} The Enigmatic Fingernails
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 @ 3:28 AM
Are nails living thing?
According to my research,i found out that all living things fulfill the following criteria: movement, excretion, respiration, irritability, growth, reproduction, adaptability and nutrition.Those things that does not have these Characteristics are non-living things.
Fingernails are not living things.
But people might ask why is it considered a non-living thing and it can grow? That is because fingernails do not have blood cells and veins to provide the fingernails with nutrients. Besides that, fingernails are just like your hair, it is made up of a tough protein called Keratin and are produced from living skin cells in the fingers. That is why we will not bleed or feel pain when cutting fingernails and eventually it will go back. In addition; fingernails are proteins deposits that grow as needed. None of these features fufill any characteristics of a living thing.Therefore,i have proven that fingernails are non-living thing.
What is the purpose of having fingernails? Having fingernails give our fingers support, scratch itchy areas and gives us a better grip on objects. If we do not have fingernails growing on our finger tips, it would be soft to grip things. Furthermore, the nail acts as a protective plate and enhances sensation on our fingertips. As a result, fingernails are not presented to act as a counterforce to tip of the finger when an object is touched.
The anatomy of the fingernail. At the base of the nail bed is the germinal matrix, which give rise to the nail. The dorsal fold that lies on the surface of the nil is the eponychium. The paronychium makes up the lateral borders. When the edges of the nail are subjected to minor trauma, hangnails are formed. The junction of the nail bed and fingertip skin is the hyponychium. The sterile matrix (the nail bed) adheres to the nail by adding squalors epithelial cells to the advancing nail, making it stronger thicker and more adherent.
References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_(anatomy) http://www.answers.com/