} Is the shed tail of a lizard considered a living thing?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 @ 8:58 PM
Sometimes, it is difficult to determine which organism is classified under living or non living things.
The criteria for an organism to be classified as a living thing is base on the eight characteristic which is ,Movement,Excretion ,Respiration,Irritability ,Growth,Reproduction,Adaptability ,Nutrition. Living things have most or all of the eight criteria.
Does the lizard tail has a mind of its own when it's being shed off? The shed tail moves complexly, so is it considered as a living thing?
My aim is to conclude whether the lizard tail is a living thing or not.
Shedding its tail is a common anti-predator defense among lizards. When attacked, many lizards drops the wriggling tail and escapes. The predator often feasts on the tail while the lizard runs to safety.
Movement- The shed tails of the lizard wiggles. The movements of the shed tail is because of the far end of the tail, in a part of the spinal cord,at which it wiggles continuously.
Respiration- The shed tail does not convert nutrients into useful energy in a cell. Neither does it exchange carbon dioxide for fresher air.
Growth- The shed tail does not grow anymore as it is detached from the lizard. However, the lizard would grow a new tail afterwards. It will no longer grow either because
Nutrition- The shed tail no longer needs nutrients or no longer can obtain nutrients.
Excretion- The shed tail does not produce its own waste.
Therefore I concluded that the lizard tale is NOT a living thing~!
Reference. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090325170604.htm
Done by, Crystal Chua :D