} HuImInG
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 @ 9:21 PM
Is human hair a living thing or a non-living thing?
We need to base on the eight characteristics to determine whether the object is living thing or non living: -movement -excretion - respiration -irritability - growth -reproduction -adaptability - nutrition But not all the living thing need this eight characteristics.
I found out that A hair is a specialized outgrowth of part of the skin called the epidermis. It has two distinct parts: the hair follicle and the hair shaft. It also comprises of three layers called the medulla, an inner core, an outer layer called the cuticle and a layer in between called the cortex.
Growth: Human hair grows at different rates depending on the amount of natural light, which varies according to the time of the year: it grows a little bit faster the winter than in summer.
Nutrition : A hair follicle is a tiny cup-shaped pit buried deep in the fat of the scalp. The follicle is the point from which the hair grows. It is well supplied with minute blood vessels, and the blood passes through them nourishes the growing region.
Adaptability : Hair performs a variety of functions. Some are listed below: Form an insulating coat on the body. Trap a layer of still air just outside the skin, and thereby reduce loss of heat by radiation. Absorb harmful radiations from the sun. Keep out coarse dust particles, as in eyelashes, hair in the nasal chambers and ear canals. Eyebrows prevent water or perspiration from falling into eyes, due to their particular direction. In my conclusion, human hairs are living thing. By : Huiming =)